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Music, Art & Writing Lessons
ALMsHouse - an acronym for my full name, ALMsHouse is a place for all ages and backgrounds to enjoy music, art and writing no matter if you are just beginning, or are an advanced student. This warm and welcoming home studio is sure to bring people together from all walks of life to enjoy weekly private, and group lessons to prepare for a winter recital and a year end musical. The private lessons are sure to keep all students on track with their examination goals, while the weekly group lessons will bring us together in creating a musical play!
Ali Marsman
Founder’s Notes
It is with great honour to share my passion for art and my home studio with you. I have loved music, art and writing ever since I was a very young child, and by 10 years old, I knew I wanted to share these passions with others through teaching. I do hope you will join me in helping this studio grow to greatness, and to have you, my students return year-after-year with excitement for learning and growing through music, art and writing!
Thank you ... I am looking forward to meeting you!
I would love to hear from you!
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